

2024 ICP World Convention Programme -(Mombasa,Kenya |19-23 August)


СНПЧ А7 Курск, обзоры принтеров и МФУ

As opposed to previous membership which was purely through schools, KSSHA has started registration of individual members where Heads of schools will register as members on individual basis while the school remains affiliated to the Association through annual subscriptions. The members will be broken down into the following categories:

  • Ordinary Member Heads of Secondary Schools.
  • Honorary Members – Retired Heads of Institutions.
  • Associate Members – Enlisted by KSSHA.
  • Visiting Members – Heads of Secondary Schools from other countries.
  • ACP Members – Affiliated to ACP.
  • ICP Members – Affiliated to ICP.

KSSHA is a member of the following organizations and participates actively in their activities.

  • International Confederation of principals – ICP.
  • African Convention of Principals – ACP

Locally, Chairman KESSHA is also a member of the following national institutions and participates in their activities revolving on management of the same.

  • Board of Governors, National polytechnics.
  • Board of Governors, Kenya Technical Teachers’ College.
  • Member, SMASSE National Committee, SEPU, KESI, KIE, Kenya Science Teachers College.
  • NACADA Drugs and Substance Abuse working Committee.
  • MOEST working Committee on IT, COMPUTERLIZATION etc.

Apart from these, KESSHA organizes Annual National and Provincial Conferences which have the objective of bringing together members to educate them on new policies on school Management, Consultation and sharing of experiences. Every year KESSHA encourages members to attend at least one international Conference for purposes of gaining international exposure on school Management.